Cédric Thalmann
Cédric Thalmann is an engineering geologist and the owner and director of the consulting firm B+ G SA Betontechnologie und Materialbewirtschaftung. The company has been working in the field of concrete technology and spoil management for over 25 years and has been able to contribute its experience to important tunnel projects such as AlpTransit Lötschberg, Gotthard, Ceneri, Brenner, Lion-Turin.B+ G was also able to play an active role in major dam projects such as Nant de Drance, Lago Bianco, Linth-Limmern, Spitellam. Between 2012 and 2015, B+ G was a partner in the European Research Program FP7 DRAGON (Development of Resource-efficient and Advanced underground Technologies). B+ G was also able to play an active role in major dam projects such as Nant de Drance, Lago Bianco, Linth-Limmern, Spitellam. Between 2012 and 2015, B+ G was a partner in the European Research Program FP7 DRAGON (Development of resource-efficient and advanced underground technologies). Cédric Thalmann also chairs various commissions such as: Standard Commission SIA 262 Concrete Construction: "Alkali-Aggregate-Reaction"; ITA International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association ITA, Working Group 15 "Underground Works and the Environment"; VSS Revision petrographic standard: SN 670'115 Aggregate "Qualitative and quantitative Mineralogy and Petrography ". During this time he has authored or co-authored over 35 technical papers on these topics.