Herbert H. Einstein
Herbert H. Einstein is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducting research in rock mechanics, engineering geology, and underground construction, spanning a wide range of studies from field measurements to laboratory experiments to numerical and analytical models. Since 1973, this research work has resulted in thirty-six Ph.D. dissertations and over three hundred authored and co-authored professional publications on the mechanical properties of soils and rocks; analysis, design, and project management of underground structures; risk analysis of landslides; and probabilistic methods in rock engineering and engineering geology. Professor Einstein teaches courses in rock mechanics, engineering geology, and underground construction at M.I.T. Herbert Einstein received the 2014 Outstanding Educator Award of the Underground Construction Association of SME, the 2006 Outstanding Contributions to Rock Mechanics Award from the American Rock Mechanics Association and the 1999 Müller Lecture Award from the International Society for Rock Mechanics as well as numerous teaching awards at MIT. He has degrees of Dipl, Bauing. and Sc.D. from ETH-Zurich.