Laetitia D’Aloia Schwartzentruber
Laetitia D’Aloia Schwartzentruber, PhD, Civil engineer, is project leader of sustainable development, in charge of the strategic research programme of CETU dealing with tunnels and sustainable development. She is research manager in the field of concrete mix design and management of excavated materials, eco-design of tunnels and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). She is the head of the “Underground works and sustainable development” working group of AFTES, viceanimator of the “Life Cycle asset management” working group of the International Tunneling Association (AITES-ITA) and in charge of the environment topic in the French national research programme “Ville d’idées - Ville 10D” (design of underground space for a sustainable urbanism). She participates in the French Standardisation Committee AFNOR/P01E “Sustainable development for construction”. She also teaches in Universities and was co-laureate of the research Prize awarded by the French National Federation of Public Works (FNTP) in 2005 and the annual Prize of the French Civil engineering Association (AFGC) in 2017.