Jacques Burdin
Jacques BURDIN is a civil engineer with some 45 years of experience in building materials. He is a consulting engineer since 1992 after acting as CEO of concrete, aggregates and lime companies.
He has been involved in huge projects in France, Switzerland, Italy and other countries around the world for cement, aggregates and concrete production dedicated to dams, tunnels and nuclear plants, representing totally the production of some 2 mio tons of cement,12 mio tons of aggregates and 20 mio m3 of concrete. He is since 20 years a specialist for the characterization, the transformation and the valorization of the excavated material from underground works. He was a member of the EU “Dragon” research program.
He is presently mainly acting as an expert to the Owners, the Engineers and the Contractors. On the other hand, he is also a member of technical committees, ICOLD (International Committee on Large Dams), ITA (International Tunnelling Association) and AFTES (French Tunnelling Association).